Daily Habit Resources

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Here you can join specific courses for free to improve the quality of your life. We call these P.E.P (Personal Empowerment Programs). They will add ‘pep’ to your life. Most people that start programs like this fail because the programs are overly complicated or overwhelming and hard to put into practical practice. These courses are super easy to implement into your busy everyday life.

How to Meditate – Learn the secrets of meditation in an easy to learn and apply practical system of meditation.

Practice – Click here – to go to the courses section to find your required course and follow along with the video instruction, or if you practiced at the studio AWESOME! Log it into your daily habit tracker for points.

The Library – Plenty of great stuff to read or read on your own then log it into your daily habit traker.

Daily Success Rituals – Learn to set simple goals and build off that for a 30 day life changing fun course.

Random Acts of Kindness – Do something nice for someone without expecting a reward.

Eat Healthy – Did you drink plenty of water and eat healthy today? Great then log it in the daily habit tracker.
Also click here for our Daily Meal Tracker and our Calorie Calculator.

Clean your Room/Home/Office – A clean, organized environment can help you be more happier, successful and effective. If you cleaned up then hit that daily habit tracker.

Finally Family/Friends – Our positive relationships with others are vital to our mental health and society in general. Take time each day to let your family and friends know you love them. Give out some hugs, send a text, read a book, tell a joke or play a boardgame with a family member or friend. You might just make their day.