Lesson 11 of 12
In Progress

10) Training at home

mastersegarra September 9, 2021

If you want to progress as fast as possible and get the most out of your training then you must practice at home as well as the studio. We have many mini lessons you can choose from that take in mind even the smallest of spaces so you can train at home.

Some simple ideas:
Stretch while watching t.v
Practice your balance while tying your shoes or putting on pants.
Practice your balance while brushing your teeth.

Do the warrior scholar breathing and stretching exercises after waking up. They are easy to do and only take a few minutes but will start you day off on the right foot.

Meditate a few minutes before you eat your breakfast or have a morning drink.

When driving to school, work or taking the bus every red light take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, straighten your posture and relax. You’ll get to where you have to go more calmly and set your day right.

Assign a special time to practice 15 minutes every day. You don’t have to work out hours each day. But you can put aside a few minutes for yourself. Pick a combination, form or just work on some basic technique. You will see great progress if you do this in a very short time.

Follow along online with us. We live stream every class so you can follow along live with us OR take the class later if you are busy at that time.

These are just some ideas that if you implement them you can get the most out of your martial arts training.