Lesson 8 of 12
In Progress

7) Daily Habit Tracker

mastersegarra September 8, 2021

The Daily Habit Tracker is a fantastic way to stay motivate and on course to attain your goals. It’s a very simple system, you click the daily habit icon on the left or top menu and when you’ve done your daily task such as meditating 10 minutes, you simply log in your activity but pressing the log activity button and you will be awarded habit points.

These daily habit points earn you achievements, levels and rewards. We even have a weekly leaderboard to see who the top point earners are.

There are different habits:

Meditate 10 minutes a day.
Meditation has so many amazing health benefits and can literally add years to your life. We have a great meditation program you have access to by <clicking here>. This course will teach you a simple meditation and start you on the road to meditating like a master.

Every time you practice, whether it’s in the Dojang (studio) or at home log in your practice points. This membership site has tons of videos to follow along with and train anywhere you wish. All your requirements and much more are available in video format to you on this site. Go to the courses section to get started.

Anytime you spend 30 minutes reading to improve yourself or simply for enjoyment log in your reading points. On this site we actually have a library of downloadable books covering a variety of self improvement subjects, history, the science of self defense and much more.

Random acts of kindness
We encourage our students to spread some good energy everyday in the hopes it will ripple out into the community and make the world a better place, one person at a time. So, simple random acts of kindness without expectation of a reward. Be a ‘nice ninja’ and do things daily that no one but you know that helped someone else. <click here> for some ideas.

Eat healthy.
If you click on the Daily Habit Tracker Icon a sub menu will pop up with a calorie & meal tracker to help you manage weight and eat healthy. Food is your fuel.

Clean and organize.
Keeping a clean and organized environment contributes significantly to your physical and mental health. Our younger members should make their own beds and tidy up their own rooms. Adults decluttering and also keeping a clean workspace can help you be more productive.

Logging & tracking your personal goals.
We have a goal setting course <click here> to help you set and attain your personal goals whatever you wish them to be. Writing down your goals, journaling, keeping a diary and even a training diary all can make amazing positive changes and improvements in your life, IF you implement them.