Lesson 9 of 12
In Progress

8) Getting the most out of your art. Your personal goals.

mastersegarra September 8, 2021

To get the most out of your martial art you have to put in a certain amount of dedication and effort. Grandmaster C.S Kim once told me that there are two kinds of people 1) the type that climb the tree, make the effort and pluck the fruit, and 2) those that wait under the tree looking up with their mouths open waiting for the fruit to fall in their mouths.

In my over 40 years training and teaching one thing that has always been crystal clear to me is the gains you get are proportional to the effort and dedication you give. One of the many great things about martial arts training is you will be surprised at how many benefits you did not even think of you will receive.

Self Defense, Fitness, stress relief, peace of mind, confidence, focus, leadership and so much more. Keep in mind a student that comes to class two times a week then does nothing the rest of the week is not going to get the same benefits as a student that practices two times a week and also at home. The student that only meditates in class won’t get the same results as the student that practices everyday.

So, do the work = get the results.

Some key ingredients:
Dedication – Stick with it, even when you aren’t motivated.
Enthusiasm – Think positive, focus on what you are doing well not just your errors, and ‘Fake it until you make it!’

Ego – Put your Ego aside and look for the lessons. A mistake is only a mistake if you don’t learn from it. A failure is only a failure if you don’t learn from it.

Ask for help & don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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