Lesson 21 of 22
In Progress

Lesson 19: The Ten Articles of Faith

mastersegarra July 20, 2021

The Ten Articles of Faith are rules for Warriors to strengthen their communities, families, relationships and life.
Originally there were Five created around 600 A.D in Silla Korea for the Hwa Rang Warriors. Some of the most fierce warriors in history. These were the original ‘Warrior Scholars’ trained in Combat, Philosophy, Art, Music and more.

During the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910 – 1945) Korea was a war torn country and it at times was lawless like the wild west. Grandmaster Hwang Kee expanded the original five articles to ten, reminding everyone the most important areas to focus on to keep society, families, relationships and life strong and peaceful.

1) Be Loyal to your country
2) Be Obedient to your parents.
3) Be Loving between Spouses.
4) Be Cooperative and Caring between siblings.
5) Be Respectful to your elders.
6) Be Faithful and Loyal to your teachers.
7) Be Faithful and Loyal to your Friends.
8) face Conflict with Justice and Honor.
9) Never Retreat in Battle (Don’t give up).
10) Always Finish what you start.