Lesson 4 of 9
In Progress

What’s your hurry?

mastersegarra July 25, 2021

The old wizard ladled some stew into two wooden bowls and set them on the table and with a casual wave of his hand a bowl magically slid across to the young warrior.

Continuously impressed with these small demonstrations of magic he knew the old wizard had much greater power.

Famished, the young warrior eagerly scoffed down the stew in rapid fire spoonfuls with the spoon scooping up another mouthful of stew as he barely was swallowing the one before.

The wizard by contrast ate his very deliberately almost slowly.

The young warrior slurped up the last bit lifting the bowl to his mouth and as he set it down with a ‘clunk’, he politely asked for seconds surprised at how hungry he was.

The old wizard obliged ladling more stew into the young warriors bowl and once again he began eating rapid fire. The spoon going click, click, click as he shoveled more and more into his face. Then he paused and shifted his attention to the wizard whom was observing him and the young warrior said ‘Magic is giving me an appetite.” with an embarrassed grin.

The old wizard smiled and said “Oh we haven’t gotten to the ‘magic’ part yet. We’re still introducing the ingredients.” The old wizard took a mouth food of stew and then pointed with his spoon and said “Awareness allows Action. Awareness & Action combined with Breathing help you Balance. Balance leads to Centeredness or equilibrium. Not too light or too heavy, not too fast or too slow. The ‘too’ as in ‘too much’ is imbalance. Even when we eat sometimes we miss savoring each bite. You must learn to be in the moment, be present even during the most mundane things like eating. Keeping your mind centered keeps it from jumping to future fears that may never come or past negative experiences that if you get stuck on keep you from being happy.”

“But how does that help me slay a dragon?” asked the young warrior.

“Well if you face a dragon and are overwhelmed with fear the dragon has already one. If you are over confident they dragon has also won. You need to breathe and be centered if you wish to slay a dragon. Remember the past is history, the future a mystery. All we have is NOW which is a gift, that is why it is called the present.”

“But what if I am afraid?” asked the young warrior.

“F.E.A.R is False – Evidence – Appearing – Real. It’s your mind anticipating something bad. Now Fear can keep you from doing stupid things that could get you killed, like fighting dragons unprepared. But it can also paralyze you and stop you from reaching your full potential or doing what’s right. In this case your fear is a lack of confidence from being unprepared, you’ve never fought a dragon before. You need to have small successes to build upon which then builds your confidence.”

“Are you suggesting I try and find little baby dragons to fight to build up my skill?” chuckled the young warrior.

“No, baby dragons usually have mommy and daddy dragons nearby.” The wizard said as he shook his head with a smile. He continued “Count the things you are good at. Count your blessings to lift your spirit and count your strong qualities to boost your confidence. What are some of your strong qualities?” he asked the young warrior.

“Well,” started the young warrior. “I’m pretty quick and agile.” he started.

“And…” encouraged the wizard.

“Pretty clever.” answered the young warrior.

“And…” encouraged the wizard.

“Pretty honest.” continued the young warrior.

“You must be the prettiest person I’ve ever met.” Laughed the old wizard and a moment later the young warrior realized he kept saying ‘pretty.’ and snorted which made the wizard even laugh harder until the both had a good belly laugh.

Catching his breath from all the laughing the wizard then said “Seriously, those are excellent qualities and strong ingredients to build from. Remember not just your focus on your weaknesses but also your strengths. As I said earlier ‘where your mind goes your energy flows.’ Count your blessings that keeps you grateful and humble. Count your strengths and good qualities that builds your confidence.”

The old wizard then clapped his hands twice and the spell book which was across the room now flapped its covers like a bird and flew over to the table they sat at and gently settled itself open in front of the young warrior.

Another page magically turned and the ornate capital letter ‘C’ bordered by another star faded onto the page. A second after the words ‘Centeredness & Count your blessings & strengths’ appeared underline beneath it.