Parents Fighting the ‘Woke’ War: Guiding our Children’s Future in a Changing Society”
by Dan Segarra
In our journey towards a more inclusive society, terms like ‘woke’ and ‘privileged’ have emerged as potent symbols of our increased consciousness of social injustices and systemic advantages. However, their misuse, misinterpretation, and oversimplification, particularly in the realms of corporations and education, can lead to significant confusion, especially among our impressionable youth.
The Double-Edged Sword of ‘Wokeness’ and ‘Privileged’
Corporations such as Disney, Budweiser, Target, Adidas, North Face, and Starbucks frequently incorporate ‘woke’ and ‘privileged’ into their narratives. Even our own government and the news and social media use these buzzwords or clever variations as the flavor of the day repeating them ad nauseam. Yet, these narratives may lack the necessary depth and nuance that these complex concepts demand.
Similarly, educational environments, from public schools to colleges, might inadvertently present biased perspectives. Teachers, despite their crucial role in molding young minds, may unknowingly or even worse knowingly let their personal biases and agendas filter into their teachings, resulting in a skewed portrayal of intricate social and political issues.
The Divisiveness of Misunderstood Buzzwords
The misunderstood ‘woke’ and ‘privileged’ terms, originally coined to promote awareness and unity, can ironically end up causing divisiveness and conflict. Delivered without adequate context or understanding, these concepts can provoke misunderstandings, fuel resentment, and foster a harmful ‘us versus them’ mentality.
Parenting in the Age of ‘Wokeness’ and ‘Privilege’
With our children bombarded with all these divisive influences, the task of parenting becomes more nuanced in this complex landscape. While there’s a temptation for parents to be the ‘cool’ woke modern parents, agreeing with their children’s viewpoints or trying to fit into their world, the greater responsibility lies in preparing them for the future. Being a ‘cool’ parent might earn immediate gratification, but it can often overlook the importance of instilling essential life skills like critical thinking and discernment in children. Instead of parents trying to be ‘Woke’ because they think it’s the cool thing to be, parents need to ‘Awaken’ to the overwhelming number of outside influences impacting their children.
Teaching Critical Thinking
It’s imperative that parents develop and nurture critical thinking in their children, less they allow their children’s minds to be shaped by influences not worrying about their children’s best interests.
Recently President Joe Biden said “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child.” He then repeated it and continued: “Our nation’s children are all our children.” Taking a look at our current presidents adult children and the disasters they have become under his parenting with various addictions and mental health issues they suffer, I’ll refrain from taking parenting points from him.
Elon Musk appropriately responded to the presidents comments “You are the government. They are NOT your kids.”
Our children are our children and it’s not the government, social media, the news or major corporations responsibilities to raise or influence our children. But this is the battle the modern parent faces every day, and that is exactly why we need to equip our children with critical thinking skills. They don’t want your child to be a critical thinker they want your child to be a blind follower.
Critical thinking is a skill that can be nurtured and developed with deliberate practice. It involves the ability to question, analyze, interpret, and evaluate information from various sources. Parents can incorporate these skills into everyday activities, encouraging children to delve deeper into books, movies, or news articles, rather than simply accepting the given information. Open-ended questions can prompt children to think and articulate their reasoning. Gradually introducing more complex issues and fostering a safe environment where they can voice differing opinions can help instill a habit of critical thinking.
Promoting Constructive Dialogues and Unity
Critical thinking fosters understanding and encourages constructive dialogues. It creates an environment where differing viewpoints are welcomed and debated, fostering a more nuanced comprehension of complex issues. Recognizing that it’s beneficial to take time to research, contemplate and form thoughtful opinions is crucial in promoting such dialogues.
In an era where ‘woke’ and ‘privileged’ have become buzzwords susceptible to misinterpretation, misunderstanding, and misuse, we must remember their true essence. As we encounter these narratives in corporations and classrooms, it’s vital to critically examine these messages, acknowledging their potential for oversimplification and distortion.
True ‘wokeness’ and understanding of privilege should inspire informed, empathetic perspectives and promote open dialogues, rather than sowing seeds of division. These concepts should urge us to scrutinize our biases, seek diverse viewpoints, and continuously evolve our understanding. Coupled with critical thinking, they can contribute to building a more inclusive society.
A society that thinks critically is one that progresses thoughtfully, cherishes diversity, and values truth. As we navigate our increasingly complex world, let’s ensure ‘woke’ and ‘privileged’ serve as catalysts for informed change, not as instruments of division. As parents, educators, and influencers of the younger generation, let’s guide our youth to question, discern, and comprehend the world’s complexities beyond the narratives presented by corporate interests and educational institutions. In doing so, we can work towards a future that encourages unity, understanding, and mutual respect.